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Kunlun Tech's operating cash flow in the first half of the year increased by 30% with revenue of 2.43 billion yuan

2023-08-25 16:35:00

On the evening of August 24, Kunlun Tech announced its semi-annual report for 2023. In the first half of 2023, the company achieved a total revenue of 2.43 billion yuan, an increase of 8%. The overall gross profit margin reached 80%, which continued to maintain a high level; Operating cash flow of 530 million yuan, an increase of 30%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 360 million yuan, and the profit scale continued to rank in the forefront of the industry. Among them, the scale of overseas business revenue reached 2.02 billion yuan, an increase of 21% year-on-year, and overseas business accounted for 83% of total revenue, a further increase of 9 percentage points year-on-year.

According to the financial report, Kunlun's main business is divided into AGI and AIGC, overseas information distribution and meta-universe, investment business, and other three sectors. Among them, AGI and AIGC business is booming, ranking the first echelon in the domestic industry. The company has formed six AI business matrices, AI large model, AI search, AI game, AI music, AI animation, and AI social, and is one of the enterprises with the strongest model technology and engineering capabilities, the most comprehensive layout, and the dedication to open source community construction. At present, the company has accumulated nearly three years of engineering experience, has successfully overcome the quality bottleneck of the Chinese corpus, and established the most complete and quality training data set in the industry. The company has successfully opened the invitation of "Tiangong" large model of the private test, including advertising marketing, games, entertainment, social, consulting, office, finance, energy, and many other industry leaders' business cooperation needs.